Travel Youth Basketball


How can I sign up to volunteer?

  • You can sign up to volunteer coach while you are registering your child. There is a prompted question that will ask your name, email, phone number and t-shirt size (so we can order a coach's shirt for you)

Coaching Interviews:

  • Coaching interviews are conducted if there are more than one person from the same team requesting to coach.

Coaches Meeting & Training

Boy's & Girl's - Monday, November 4, 2024 @ GLHS Main Gym 7:00-8 pm

  • There will be a coaches meeting and training conducted by the GLHS basketball coaching staff and an athletic dept. representative. 
  • HS coaches staff will go over drills, plays and coaching strategies
  • Athletic staff will go over all the responsibilities required of the coach 
  • All coach's equipment will be handed out at this training

More Coaching Info:

Once evaluations are complete each coach will be contacted by the athletic office to set up practice. Practices are held twice per week for an hour and a half each practice. Practice times and locations vary. Options will be presents when contact is made so that each coach can choose what works best for them.

Practice Locations (GLPS Gyms) - Beagle, Hayes, Holbrook, Willow Ridge, Delta Center and Wacousta

Practice Times (Vary based on location) - 1.5 hrs in the evening between 5-9pm

All coaches will receive an equipment bag which includes: Game Ball, Court Dry Erase Board/Marker, Scorebook, Agility Ladder, First Aid Kit, Cones and Scrimmage Vests.

Sports Concussion Training

Head coaches and Assistant coaches must complete the Concussion In Sports Training

Here is how:

  • Go to this web site:
  • Click on: New to NFHS Learn? Register Now
  • Register to the web site
  • Submit Registration
  • After Registration is complete click on the following: Select Courses
  • Select: Concussion in sports What you need to know
  • Click: Order now
  • Click: I am ordering a course for myself
  • Click: Continue
  • Select State: Michigan and Save
  • Click: Checkout (you will notice this is free)
  • Click: Complete purchase

Follow the instructions to complete the course by clicking the HERE word that is outlined

  • Click begin
  • After completing course save and print your registration

Email one copy to and keep one copy with your roster and emergency forms

Michigan Sports Concussion Law