
Posted on 08/05/2024
Girls Swimming:
No Cuts
Dates: August 12th-15th
Time: 8-10AM
Location: Grand Ledge Competition Pool @ Beagle Middle School
Other Details: Girls interested should wear a competition swimsuit, googles, and a swim cap, and bring a towel
No Cuts
Date: First day of practice is August 12th
Time: 3:15-8PM
Location: Meet at the high school weight room, practice will conclude at the Track Complex.
Other Details: Players should meet at 3:15 at the high school weight room wearing shorts, practice jersey and tennis shoes. They should bring a water bottle, snack, helmet and mouth guard.
Boys Cross Country:
No Cuts
Date: August 12th M-F
Time: 8:00-9:30 AM
Location: Meet at the teacher's parking lot at the end of Kent St.
Other Details: Please bring a water bottle
TeamReach Code: GLCC2024
Girls Golf:
Date: August 12th - August 15th
Time: -Mon 12th Meet at GLCC driving range for brief meeting and range work at 9:00 AM until 10:30 AM
-Tues 13th Tryouts begin with tee times starting at 8:30 AM, the Varsity playing 18 holes and the JV playing 9. Varsity will take approximately 4 ½ hours and the JV 2 hours.
- Wed and Thursday same as Tuesday
Location: The Grand Ledge Country Club is the location that the Girls Golf Team calls home. All practices, matches and playing will take place there unless otherwise notified.
Other Details: All players must provide their own equipment for tryouts which consists of; clubs, bags, umbrella, balls and anything else they deem necessary. The athletes are responsible for their own hydration and snack/food while trying out or practicing, please come prepared.
If you have questions or need to chat about the voluntary workouts, the tryouts or anything else that is related to the girls golf program please feel free in reaching out to Coach Jeff Miller either by phone/text 517-449-7674 or by email
Boys' Tennis:
No Cuts
Dates & Times: 8/12-8/15: 6:45-7:45AM & 6-8PM
Practices from 8/19 until school starts will be from 6-9PM
Practices once school starts will be from 3:30-6PM
Location: GLHS Tennis Courts
Other Details: Need to bring tennis racquets, water bottles, tennis/court shoes and sunscreen if needed.
Girls Cross Country:
No Cuts
Date: August 12th M-F
Time: 8AM-10AM
Location: Kent St HS Entrance door #26
Other Details: Must Have Current Sports Physical on file with Athletic Office or in Coaches Hands to be able to practice.
Please bring a good pair of running shoes, water Bottle and a beach towel for post run exercises. Any questions, contact Head Coach Fred Hutchinson at
Boys Soccer:
Dates: August 12th
Times: 7AM-9AM, 7PM-9PM
Location: GLHS Community Stadium
Other Details: Bring cleats and shin guards as well as lots of water. Do NOT bring soccer balls as we have plenty available.
Dates: August 12th-14th
Times: August 12th 6-8:30 All Grades
August 13th Varsity 4-6
August 13th JV and FR 6-8
August 14th 5:30-7:30 All Grades (Parents be there by 6:30 for a meeting)
Location: High School Main Gym
Other Details: Bring water bottles
Sideline Cheer Note - Tryouts Already Occured last May