
Beagle Middle School Boys' Basketball Tryouts Begin Monday, October 24th
Updated on 10/22/2023
Updated on 10/22/2023
Tryouts for the 2022 Beagle Middle School boys basketball teams is set for Monday, October 24th:
October 24th and 25th 8th grade tryouts will be 3-5pm at Beagle
October 24th 7th grade tryouts will be 3-5pm at the High School Aux gym
October 25th 7th grade tryouts will be 5-7pm at Beagle gym.
***Important info***
1) A current physical must be on file prior to tryouts in the Beagle Main Office. A physical is considered current if it is dated on or after April 15, 2022.
2) please wear a white shirt with name on back with a marker