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Grand Ledge High School


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Grand Ledge High School

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Grand Ledge High School

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Grand Ledge High School

Announcements and Important Events


Posted Today @ 3:34PM

Safe Driving - A No-Brainer

Students, this might seem like a no-brainer, but always make sure that you and your passengers are
wearing seat belts while you are driving. It's the most important thing that you can do to safeguard not
just your own life but also the lives of those dear to you in the event of an accident. Thanks to Farmers
Insurance Agent Kyle Campbell for bringing these important Safety messages to our school. Make Safe

Texting or talking on the phone without a hands-free device while driving is always a bad idea. If you’re
behind the wheel, try reducing phone usage, or even consider turning it off. Keep your focus on the
road, not your phone. Thanks to Farmers Insurance Agent Kyle Campbell for bringing these important

Safety messages to our school. Make Safe Decisions!

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